Implementing a Heap

Gagarine Yaikhom

23 November 2013, Saturday

In this article, we implement a Heap data structure. Since this is a fundamental data structure, the conceptual details of Heaps are discussed in many data structure textbooks. I shall, therefore, not repeat them here. Nonetheless, I shall discuss the Heap implementation with an example usage in mind, so that it is more concrete and provides a way to adapt the implementation for other purposes.

Usage in mind

I wrote this module while I was a research fellow at Cardiff University. We were trying to find ways in which we could decrease particle simulation time using GPGPU, with the hope that it could be applied to the reduction of radiotherapy dose calculation times.

Within the system that was developed, a Heap data structure named ParticleRepository maintains the particles that are being simulated. Each of these particles are encapsulated by the Particle data structure. To parallelise a simulation using GPU threads, the simulation space represented by a Cuboid is first partitioned orthogonally into multiple subcuboids of equal dimensions. Every particle inside the simulation space therefore belongs to one of these subcuboids, and this is recorded inside a Particle by the unique index subcuboid. The subcuboid index is updated every time a particle leaves the current subcuboid.

Within the particles repository heap, all of the particles are ordered using the subcuboid index. This allows the simulation driver to dispatch particle groups that are inside the same subcuboid to architecturally related group of threads (e.g., CUDA thread block), thus maximising sharing of simulation environment that are common to all particles inside a subcuboid (e.g., CSG models of machine components). The particles repository heap itself is stored in memory as a fixed array of particles, named head, which is an array implementation of a complete binary tree. In the next post, we shall consider the case where we use paging to allow the particles repository heap to grow when the particles simulated no longer fits inside the fixed array.

Add particle to particle repository

Function heap_insert_fast(pr,t) inserts a new particle t into the particles repository pr. We bubble up the new node to its rightful place using the containing subcuboid as the comparison key. This bubbling is done by climbing up the tree starting at the array position dictated by the array implementation of a complete binary tree, and moving the node from child to parent as we climb up. The insertion is complete when the node is finally placed at its rightful place based on the outcome of the key comparison.

void heap_insert_fast(ParticleRepository *pr, Particle *t)
    uint32_t p, n; /* indices of parent and current node */
    Particle *fp;
    fp = pr->head; /* complete binary tree: array of particles */
    n = ++pr->count; /* start bubbling from the last node */
    p = n >> 1;
    while (p > 0) { /* bubble up the tree */
        if (fp[p].subcuboid < t->subcuboid)
            fp[n] = fp[p];  /* move from parent to child */
        else break; /* rightful place found */
        n = p; /* climb up the tree */
        p = n >> 1;
    if (0 == t->id)
        t->id = pr->pid++; /* give unique id to particle */
    fp[n] = *t; /* place node */

Remove particle from particle repository

Function heap_remove_fast(pr,t) removes the particle at the top of the heap representing the particles repository pr, and stores the particle into t. We remove the first node, which is always the top of the heap. We then fill this void by promoting the last node of the complete binary tree to become the root. Finally, we re-balance the heap by bubbling down the root until we find its rightful place, or we find that it has become a leaf. While bubbling down, we move either the left or right subtree root to the current node position as we climb down the tree. This is again based on the outcome of a key comparison.

void heap_remove_fast(ParticleRepository *pr, Particle *t)
    uint32_t n, l, r, q; /* indices to node, left, right and last */
    Particle temp, *fp;
    fp = pr->head; /* complete binary tree: array of particles */
    *t = fp[1]; /* particle to return */
    q = pr->count--;
    if (q) {
        temp = fp[q]; /* the last node to be promoted */
        n = 1; /* start at the root */
        l = 2;
        /* bubble down the tree choosing left or right subtree */
        while (l < q) {
            r = l + 1;
            if (fp[q].subcuboid < fp[l].subcuboid) {
                if (r < q && fp[l].subcuboid < fp[r].subcuboid) {
                    fp[n] = fp[r];
                    n = r;
                } else {
                    fp[n] = fp[l];
                    n = l;
            } else {
                if (r < q && fp[q].subcuboid < fp[r].subcuboid) {
                    fp[n] = fp[r];
                    n = r;
                } else break; /* rightful place found */
            l = n << 1; /* go deeper until we have passed a leaf */
        fp[n] = temp; /* place node */

Paged heap

What we have implemented is a simplified max-heap using an array. In this section, we shall discuss a detailed implementation of a paged max-heap where the heap is allowed to grow. We also provide here further details about the particle repository which is implemented using this heap data structure.

Particle repository

As discussed in the above article, all of the particles yet to be simulated are stored in a particles repository. The particles are grouped according to their containing subcuboid, so that each group with the same solids can be simulated in one batch.

The particle repository is implemented as a paged binary max-heap (we could have use a min-heap, but this doesn’t matter), which is allowed to grow. The heap is maintained as a linked list of heap pages, where each heap page is a fixed array of particles, with the first array element used as a pointer-to-a-pointer to maintain the linked list of heap pages, as shown below.

The paging only becomes active when the first allocated heap page is insufficient to fulfill the required number of particles. Since paging adds computational overhead, it is expected that the first page is allocated carefully so as to avoid paging. Keeping this in mind, we provide two versions of all the heap functions. The functions with the fast suffix does not assume paging, whereas, those with paged suffix assume paging.

#define HEAP_PAGE_SIZE 4 /* 4096 bytes per page, includes `next' pointer */

typedef struct particle_struct Particle;
typedef struct particle_repository_struct {
    uint32_t pid; /* particle identifier to use next */
    uint32_t count; /* current number of particles in heap */
    uint32_t max; /* maximum number of particles allowed in heap */
    uint16_t page_size; /* number of particles per page */
    Particle *head, *tail; /* pointers to first and last pages */
} ParticleRepository;
ParticleRepository particles = {1, 0, 0, HEAP_PAGE_SIZE, NULL, NULL};

Add particle to an unpaged max-heap

Function heap_insert_fast(pr,t) inserts a new particle t into the particles repository pr. This insertion does not assume heap paging. In the first page, we bubble up the new node to its rightful place using the containing subcuboid as the comparison key. This bubbling is done by climbing up the tree starting at the array position dictated by the array implementation of a complete binary tree, and moving the node from parent to child as we climb. The insertion has completed when the node is finally placed at its rightful place.

void heap_insert_fast(ParticleRepository *pr, Particle *t)
    uint32_t p, n; /* indices of parent and current node */
    Particle *fp;
    fp = pr->head; /* first page */
    n = ++pr->count; /* start bubbling from the last node */
    p = n >> 1;
    while (p > 0) { /* bubble up the tree */
        if (fp[p].subcuboid < t->subcuboid)
            fp[n] = fp[p];  /* move from parent to child */
            break; /* rightful place found */
        n = p; /* climb up the tree */
        p = n >> 1;
    if (0 == t->id)
        t->id = pr->pid++; /* give unique id to particle */
    fp[n] = *t; /* place node */

Remove particle from an unpaged max-heap

Function heap_remove_fast(pr,t) removes the particle at the top of the max-heap representing the particles repository pr, and stores the particle into t. This removal does not assume heap paging. From the first page, we remove the first node, which is always the top of the heap. We then fill this void by promoting the last node of the complete binary tree to become the root. Finally, we rebalance the heap by bubbling down the root until we find its rightful place, or we find that it has becomes a leaf. While bubbling down, we move either the left or right subtree root to the current node as we climb down the tree.

void heap_remove_fast(ParticleRepository *pr, Particle *t)
    uint32_t n, l, r, q; /* indices to node, left, right and last */
    Particle temp, *fp;
    fp = pr->head; /* first page */
    *t = fp[1]; /* particle to return */
    q = pr->count--;
    if (q) {
        temp = fp[q]; /* the last node to be promoted */
        n = 1; /* start at the root */
        l = 2;
        /* bubble down the tree choosing left or right subtree */
        while (l < q) {
            r = l + 1;        
            if (fp[q].subcuboid < fp[l].subcuboid) {
                if (r < q && fp[l].subcuboid < fp[r].subcuboid) {
                    fp[n] = fp[r];
                    n = r;
                } else {
                    fp[n] = fp[l];
                    n = l;
            } else {
                if (r < q && fp[q].subcuboid < fp[r].subcuboid) {
                    fp[n] = fp[r];
                    n = r;
                } else
                    break; /* rightful place found */
            l = n << 1; /* go deeper until we have passed a leaf */
        fp[n] = temp; /* place node */

Finding the page that contains a particle

For a given particle index n within the heap pr, function heap_find_pidx(pr,n,p,i) finds the page start address p and the index i within that page. The binary heap is implemented using an array representation of a complete binary tree. Hence, while maintaining this tree we are required to find the parent, or children, of a given tree node, and if paging is active, we are required to find its page and index within the heap.

void heap_find_pidx(ParticleRepository *pr, uint32_t n,
     Particle **p, uint32_t *i)
    Particle *t = pr->head;
    while (n > pr->page_size) {
        t = (Particle *) *(char **)t;
        n -= pr->page_size;
    *i = n;
    *p = t;

Add particle to a paged max-heap

Function heap_insert_paged(pr,t) inserts a new particle t into the particles repository pr. This insertion uses the same method as heap_insert_fast(pr,t), except that it assumes heap paging; hence, to reference, place, or move a node, we first find the correct page and index for each node using heap_find_pidx(pr,n,p,i).

void heap_insert_paged(ParticleRepository *pr, Particle *t)
    uint32_t p, n; /* indices of parent and current node within heap */
    Particle *p_pg, *n_pg; /* heap pages of parent and current node */
    uint32_t p_idx, n_idx; /* indices within heap pages of parent and current node */
    n = ++pr->count; /* start bubbling from the last node */
    p = n >> 1;
    while (p > 0) { /* bubble up the tree */
        heap_find_pidx(pr, p, &p_pg, &p_idx);
        heap_find_pidx(pr, n, &n_pg, &n_idx);
        if (p_pg[p_idx].subcuboid < t->subcuboid)
            n_pg[n_idx] = p_pg[p_idx];
            break; /* rightful place found */
        n = p; /* climb up the tree */
        p = n >> 1;
    if (0 == t->id)
        t->id = pr->pid++; /* give unique id to particle */
    heap_find_pidx(pr, n, &n_pg, &n_idx);
    n_pg[n_idx] = *t;

Remove particle from a paged max-heap

Function heap_remove_paged(pr,t) removes a new particle t into the particles repository pr. This removal uses the same method as heap_remove_fast(pr,t), except that it assumes heap paging; hence, to reference, or change a node, we first find the correct page and index for each node using heap_find_pidx(pr,n,p,i).

void heap_remove_paged(ParticleRepository *pr, Particle *t)
    uint32_t n, l, r, q;  /* indices to node, left, right and last */
    Particle *n_pg, *l_pg, *r_pg, *q_pg; /* heap pages */
    uint32_t n_idx, l_idx, r_idx, q_idx; /* indices within heap pages */
    Particle temp;
    *t = pr->head[1]; /* particle to return */
    q = pr->count--;
    if (q) {
        heap_find_pidx(pr, q, &q_pg, &q_idx);
        temp = q_pg[q_idx]; /* the last node to be promoted */
        n = 1; /* start at the root */
        l = 2;
        /* bubble down the tree choosing left or right subtree */
        while (l < q) {
            r = l + 1;        
            heap_find_pidx(pr, l, &l_pg, &l_idx);
            heap_find_pidx(pr, r, &r_pg, &r_idx);
            heap_find_pidx(pr, n, &n_pg, &n_idx);
            if (q_pg[q_idx].subcuboid < l_pg[l_idx].subcuboid) {
                if (l_pg[l_idx].subcuboid < r_pg[r_idx].subcuboid) {
                    n_pg[n_idx] = r_pg[r_idx];
                    n = r;
                } else {
                    n_pg[n_idx] = l_pg[l_idx];
                    n = l;
            } else {
                if (q_pg[q_idx].subcuboid < r_pg[r_idx].subcuboid) {
                    n_pg[n_idx] = r_pg[r_idx];
                    n = r;
                } else break; /* rightful place found */
            l = n << 1; /* go deeper until we have passed a leaf */
        heap_find_pidx(pr, n, &n_pg, &n_idx);
        n_pg[n_idx] = temp; /* place node */

Error codes for heap expansion

The following are the return codes that must be checked by the caller of the following functions.

enum {

Expanding the particle repository by adding heap pages

Function heap_expand(r) expands the heap r by adding a new page at the end of the linked list.

int heap_expand(ParticleRepository *r)
    Particle* t = mem_typed_alloc(HEAP_PAGE_SIZE + 1, Particle, mem_phase_two);
    if (NULL == t)
        return HEAP_ERROR_ALLOC;
    *(char **) t = NULL; /* make last page: `next' points to NULL */
    r->max += r->page_size;
    *((char **) r->tail) = (char *) t;
    r->tail = t;
    return HEAP_SUCCESS;

In the above function, mem_typed_alloc(HEAP_PAGE_SIZE + 1, Particle, mem_phase_two) is a memory allocator that returns a particle. This implementation is based on the concept of memory areas discussed in The Stanford GraphBase [Addison-Wesley 1993] by Donald E. Knuth. We shall not discuss this here.

Add particle to particle repository

Function heap_insert(r,p,e) inserts a new particle p into the particle repository r. If e is true and there is not enough space in the heap, the heap will be expanded to fit p. The macro heap_has_space(r) may be used to check if there is empty space in r before making an insertion call.

#define heap_has_space(r) ((r).count < (r).max)
int heap_insert(ParticleRepository *r, Particle *p, bool e)
    int i;
    if (r->count < r->max) {
       if (r->count > r->page_size)
           heap_insert_paged(r, p); 
           heap_insert_fast(r, p);
    } else {
       if (e) {
           i = heap_expand(r);
           if (i)
               return i;
           heap_insert_paged(r, p);
       } else
           return HEAP_FULL;
    return HEAP_SUCCESS;

Remove particle from particle repository

Function heap_remove(r,t) removes the particle at the top of the max-heap representing the particles repository r, and stores the particle into p.

int heap_remove(ParticleRepository *r, Particle *p)
    if (r->count == 0)
        return HEAP_EMPTY;
    if (r->count > r->page_size)
        heap_remove_paged(r, p);
        heap_remove_fast(r, p);
    return HEAP_SUCCESS;

Initialise a particle repository

Function heap_init(r) initialises the max-heap r by creating the first page.

int heap_init(ParticleRepository *r)
    r->head = mem_typed_alloc(HEAP_PAGE_SIZE + 1, Particle, mem_phase_two);
    if (NULL == r->head)
        return HEAP_ERROR_ALLOC;
    r->count = 0;
    r->pid = 1;
    r->max = r->page_size = HEAP_PAGE_SIZE;
    *(char **) r->head = NULL;
    r->tail = r->head;
    return HEAP_SUCCESS;

Printing the particle repository heap

Function heap_print(f,r) prints the heap r to the I/O stream pointed to by f.

void heap_print(FILE *f, ParticleRepository *r)
    int i, j, p;
    Particle *page;
    fprintf(f, "Number of particles: %u", r->count);
    p = 0;
    j = r->count;
    page = r->head;
    while (page) {
        if (j) {
            fprintf(f, "\nPage %u: ", p);
            for (i = 1; j && i <= r->page_size; ++i, --j)
                fprintf(f, "%u ", page[i].subcuboid);
            page = (Particle *) *(char **) page;
        } else
    fprintf(f, "\n");